Cat Tales Feline Health Center (Animal Services) in Davis
Full information about Cat Tales Feline Health Center in Davis: address, opening hours, phone, fax, email, website. Cat Tales Feline Health Center on the map, description and reviews.
Contact details of Cat Tales Feline Health Center:
606 West Covell Boulevard, Davis, California (CA), 95616
EditCat Tales Feline Health Center opening hours:
Mon-Fri: 8:00am-6:00pm; Sat-Sun: Closed
EditReviews about Cat Tales Feline Health Center:
About Cat Tales Feline Health Center:
Cat Tales Feline Health Center, located in Davis, provides uniquely tailored health care for cats from across Northern California and the Sacramento Valley. Led by veterinarian Dr. Julie Cole, who has extensive experience in feline medicine, Cat Tales provides a peaceful, stress-free environment created to make each visit more enjoyable for all. From wellness care to spay/neuter, dental care, diagnostic testing and behavior and nutrition consultations, Cat Tales welcomes you and your feline friends.
EditAnimal Services nearest to Cat Tales Feline Health Center:
Cultured Canine the Davis, Animal Services; 2308 Amapola Dr, Davis, CA, 95616; (530) 753-3470
Fo` Paws Grooming Davis, Animal Services; 735 H St#A, Davis, CA, 95616-3763; (530) 756-4400
Home Pet Care Davis, Animal Services; 735 H St#D, Davis, CA, 95616-3763; (530) 753-1763
Veterinary Information Network Davis, Animal Services; 777 W Covell Blvd, Davis, CA, 95616-5916; (530) 756-4881